Friday, August 12, 2011

matte painting final project

this is a matte painting for my final project, the green orbs on the right are supposed to be fireflies. i put numerous layers into this image in photoshop.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Texture mapping porject

Diffuse Map

Specular Map

Normal Map

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

London Tower night

The lighting of the grass was tricky, but the whole process was fairly easy. I used a blue graidient for shading, and the dodge tool to make the highlight on the grass. I also used the clone tool on the bottom right. getting the area arournd the moon to blend way very hard to do, i relly had to use the smudge tool to really blend it to the sky.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

these are my custom brushes for my third assignment. they were all created by me.

Panoramic Pic

This is my second assingment could have worked on the sky a little more. overa  I used simple saturation technicuqes, and used adjstment layers.

First Homework

This was my first asignment in Game Design II, hope to put up better quality work.